“I love you forever”

RISD Wintersession 24
WEB DESIGN taught by Gabriel Drozdov

** Click the video to play (sound plays immediately) 

The prompt of this project was to create an interactive website that falls into one of the genre provided: comedy, mystery, horror, fantasy, thriller, romance

The deadline of this project was on Valentine’s day, 
so I thought, why not do something about love? 

However, instead of choosing one genre, I decided to choose two genre, and designed a site that can creep out the user by expressing one’s endless love in a uncanny way. 

The landing page works intends to be a surprise, or a notice before surprise, similar to the act of untying the ribbons of a wrapped present. When the user clicks the text, they are directed to a next page that is full of bouncing “I love you forever” texts. The user can hover over them, and whenever the user hovers over the texts, the font, the size, the color, and the voice changes. 

The overlapping voices of constantly confessing their love and the scary fonts contribute to the eerieness of the site. 

This website was created using html, css, and javascript. 

© Ashley Lee. All rights reserved.