“Door World”

RISD Wintersession 24 
WEB DESIGN taught by Gabriel Drozdov

This website embodies an interesting and entertaining web environment of a specifically chosen object, which is a door

In the landing page, users are encouraged to interact with the page by hovering over the random shapes, and each shape transitions to a different shape with a different color that acts as a door / doorknob for the shape beside it, reinforcing that the concept that anything can be a door. 

The second page includes more of visual aesthetic than interactiveness. Three different types of doors are placed in different rows, and each door opens and closes in different speed. Some doors slide open, and some doors fling as they open. I focused on creating a contrast that the omnious ambience of flinging doors and their vibrant colors create. 

The third page has more depth, as it is designed as a sort of a riddle that grabs the user’s attention. Similar to the landing page, the user has to hover over the doors until they achieve the goal, which is to find Waldo who is hiding behind one of the doors.  


This website was created using html and css. 

© Ashley Lee. All rights reserved.